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Guy Sawyer CFP - Baird of Holland


Finance / wealth management

Project Categories

12-month strategic marketing calendar
B2B social media sales writing
Brand strategy and positioning
Case studies strategy
Communications audit
Communications plans
Content strategy
Website writing and creative direction

Goals & Challenges

A referral from another client initially brought Guy Sawyer, CFP to Storybent Creative for brand development back in 2015. Since then, Guy regularly reaches out for communications plans, updated brand development and ongoing copywriting, including website refreshes.

Creative Solutions

After a bit of research on Guy's service strengths and audience needs, Suzette of Storybent Creative identified an underserved area that strongly aligns with Guy's genuine, compassionate personality and tenacious expertise. These differentiation elements lead the way for SEO, customer experience (CX) and copywriting ... all fitting within his on-brand, regulated corporate template. Suzette's worked with Guy since 2015 as a financial writer and strategist.


Strategy, Creative Direction, Content Writing: Suzette Garvey

"So much of the copy found on websites in my industry seems boilerplate and cliché. Suzette captured what makes my practice and process unique in a fresh and compelling way while adhering to the regulatory and branding constraints my practice faces. Through her discovery process she was able to capture my “voice” and help me communicate what I wanted to say, the way I would say it. To top it off, Suzette was easy to work with and helped me get my project done on time and on budget."

Guy Sawyer, director, senior investment consultant and Certified Financial Planner™ with Baird Wealth Management
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